Bob Fisher was raised in Northern England and emigrated to Canada as an 18 year-old man.
Once he arrived in Canada, he joined the R.C.A.F (Royal Canadian Air Force).
His love for motorcycles led to him trying his hand at bike racing in 1958. When an ambitious attempt was made to launch speedway racing, as opposed to the American style Flat-Track style racing, at Dundas Ontario, (Nr. Hamilton)Bob watched with interest and the following year, and the following year he jumped at the chance to participate. sadly, the effort collapsed after only three more meetings, but Bob rode in them all.
Always on the look out for an opportunity to ride, Bob was part of a four man Canadian Team that rode in a meeting at the New Egypt track in New Jersey in 1974. The program notes for the meeting mentioned his spell in the R.C.A.F. and that "Later, as the leader of a group of musicians, he made a number of recordings in Canada".
Along with Mike Tams and Stan Bradbury, Bob was one of the founding members of the Canadian Speedway Racing Association. After many attempts to find a suitable location, they finally found a spot for their bikes on a program at the welland Motorcycle Club through Wesley Pierce in the mid 1970's. Although never a star, Bob rode in many meeting there from 1975 through to 1982 when he retired from racing.
Thereafter, he stayed involved with the sport by helping his son Rob enter the sport. Rob quickly developed into a very promising rider and eventually spent a couple of years riding in the Coventry reserve team in the UK>
Bob sadly passed away a few years ago, after spending a good part of his life living in Trenton, Ontario close to all his family and friends.
